Yahoo! The Scarlett Pomers Club Chat: December 2000

(Scarlett's screen name is Scarlett_Pomers. Questions are being asked by Pomers_Webmaster.)

Pomers_Webmaster: "Of all the kids you have worked with (from Slappy, Voyager, Happy texas, etc) are you good friends with any of them?"
Scarlett_Pomers: Yes! One of my best friends is Travis Tedford from SLAPPY

Pomers_Webmaster: "Scarlett, this may not be a fair question, but which do you like more, working on Voyager, or working on adventures in Odyssey?"
Scarlett_Pomers: I like both of them for different reasons. The people I work with are great on both shows

Pomers_Webmaster: "What are your favorite bands/singers?"
Scarlett_ Pomers: No Doubt, Destiny;s Child, Lenny Kravitz, Christina Aguilera

Pomers_Webmaster: Next question is from Lisa, "I just wanted to know what Scarlett's been up to in her free time other than bothering her brother".
Scarlett_Pomers: Well, I just finished a guest-starring role on "Judging Amy. Scarlett_Pomers: It should be on in about 3 or four weeks depending on the changes CBS makes in their holiday schedule. Scarlett_Pomers: I have several scenes with Tyne Daly

Pomers_Webmaster: Okay, here's a question that was asked in various forms by Shawn and Allison "Do you want to continue acting as an adult?"
Scarlett_Pomers: definitely, I also want to keep singing

Pomers_Webmaster: Here's one from Allison, "What has been your favorite role and why?"
Scarlett_Pomers: Naomi of course and Geppetto because I got to sing and dance

Pomers_Webmaster: Okay, here's one that everyone's been asking (Becca, Mandi, John, etc) "What can you tell us about your new Voyager episode, 'Shattered'?
Scarlett_Pomers: Well I worked with Icheb and chakotay
Scarlett_Pomers: It's a really cooll story
Scarlett_Pomers: so be sure to watch for it
Scarlett_Pomers: and an adutl Icheb too

Pomers_Webmaster: "Does it ever bother you when people say you are "cute" as opposed to other adjectivies"
Scarlett_Pomers: No any compliment is very nice! Scarlett_Pomers: thanks guys

Pomers_Webmaster: Here's one from Jamie, "If you could be any Star Trek alien, what would you choose?"
Scarlett_Pomers: this is pretty funny. Scarlett_Pomers: KLINGON! Scarlett_Pomers: I think they are cooooool!

Pomers_Webmaster: Here's one from Allison: "What's your opinion on your growing fandom? Was it surprising?
Scarlett_Pomers: Definitely! I didn't know that so many different ages would think that Naomi was cool

Pomers_Webmaster: Here's another one that a lot of folks have been asking, "What are your hobbies lately"
Scarlett_Pomers: I've been rehearsing with my group singing and dancing and I've been working on origingal character for Manga(japanese comics).
Scarlett_Pomers: I love Anime.
Scarlett_Pomers: Emily does too