Lycos Chat: August 1999

MODERATOR: Welcome! Chatting with us tonight is Scarlett Pomers, who plays Naomi Wildman on Star Trek Voyager. Chat with Scarlett Pomers and hear why working on the set of STAR TREK VOYAGER can be so much fun. Playing around and interacting with the talented cast of "STV" can be quite an experience for a child her age. But don't let her career fool you. This young actress (10 years old) still finds time to mess around and do lots of kid things. Along with "STV", Scarlett will have roles in two highly anticipated films: Miramax's "Happy, Texas" opposite William H. Macy and Universal's "Erin Brockovich" with Julia Roberts.

MODERATOR: Welcome to Lycos chat, Scarlett!

SPEAKER_Scarlett_Pomers: Hi everybody.

MANOLIS_VARNAS: Scarlett I live in Greece and I watch the show a lot. I think you are a talented actress. What are your other interests besides acting?

SPEAKER_Scarlett_Pomers: One is horseback riding. I also enjoy and singing and dancing. I love art. I'm looking for a horse right now. I'm saving up my money to get one.

BTKidd: Will we get to see you in 'Equinox Pt. 2'?

SPEAKER_Scarlett_Pomers: No but I am in the second episode of the new season. That's "Survival Instincts". Then I'm in another one called Dragon Teeth. And I actually just got called to come in again, but I haven't seen the script yet. I go in Wednesday.

Chaz_dog: How does it feel to work on a show that has the privilege of being a Star Trek show?

SPEAKER_Scarlett_Pomers: It's really cool. It's really interesting to work on because you don't usually see a lot of aliens and space ships on other jobs. Before I was Naomi, I did a voice over episode of Star Trek, of Voyager, the one where Chakotay was saving the planet. It's called "Nemesis."

David Jailbate: can you tell me what music you listen too???

SPEAKER_Scarlett_Pomers: I like pop and some of the band I like...I kind of like N Sync. I like Christina Agulier and my brother and I usually listen to Alanis Morisette together.

DreamChild14: What do your friend's think about you being an actress on a top UPN show and in hit movies?

SPEAKER_Scarlett_Pomers: Well, last year when I was in 4th grade the kids when I was gone for a few days they would ask me what I was doing. Sometimes I would say I was sick. Some of my friends are actually actors, in fact most of my friends are. My brother's friends are really impressed. I heard him bragging about me on the phone one time.

BTKidd: Will you be at any Trek conventions this year? Preferably in Charlotte, NC?

SPEAKER_Scarlett_Pomers: I'm not sure about Charlotte but I'm pretty sure I'll be doing some conventions this year. I did one 2 weeks ago in San Diego. It was called Comic Con. That was really crowded, even more than the Grand Slam. Next year I might be doing one in Orlando Florida called Vulcan.

DreamChild14: Last season you finally worked with Kate Mulgrew. What was that like? I know how much you like her, so I bet it was pretty cool.

SPEAKER_Scarlett_Pomers: That was really cool. When I first started watching Voyager, she was my favorite. So when I finally got to work with her, I was really excited. Kate's really nice. I hope that I get to work with her again.

Mandi_B: Hey, Scarlett, how much fan mail do you get?

SPEAKER_Scarlett_Pomers: A lot. It's totally cool. It's nice to know that fans take the time out of their day or night. I get this bag of letters telling me how good I'm doing. And I always write back, which is fun.

moodyblus: How long have you been acting?

SPEAKER_Scarlett_Pomers: I have been acting since I was 3. The first thing I did was a Michael Jackson video, Heal the World. I was one of the Irish kids, holding a flower and running down the street with the other kids.

BTKidd: Do you ever do interviews for Star Trek websites?

SPEAKER_Scarlett_Pomers: Yes. The first address is Just to see the website, it's

David Jailbate: Comic conventions, meetings, rehearsals... you must be really busy. How do you at age 10 cope with so much stress???

SPEAKER_Scarlett_Pomers: Actually, I don't find it very stressful. I think it's fun.

Flutterby88: If you weren't acting what would you be doing instead?

SPEAKER_Scarlett_Pomers: I guess going to school and hanging out with my friends, that's all.

Mandi_B: What's your favorite episode of Voyager?

SPEAKER_Scarlett_Pomers: Definitely Once Upon A Time, my first one. It's my favorite because it was my first one and it was the most fun. My second favorite is Dark Frontier.

MANOLIS_VARNAS: How many hours a day do you work for the show?

SPEAKER_Scarlett_Pomers: Well, I day 9 1/2 hours because I'm 10. 3 hours is school, an hour for lunch and in between there's rest and recreation.

BTKidd: Will there be any major Naomi stories this season? From what you've seen of course.

SPEAKER_Scarlett_Pomers: Not yet, I don't think, I haven't read the script yet. But my mom knows. In Survival Instinct, there are some new developments between 7 of 9 and Naomi.

DreamChild14: Hey, Scarlett, this is Allison, we met a couple weeks ago in L.A. Besides meeting me, do you get recognized a lot?

SPEAKER_Scarlett_Pomers: Not too much, not probably like Jeri Ryan does. But there's a girl at the grocery store who always recognizes me. At Grand Slam, I was a guest of Garrett Wang's and I was walking thru the dealer's room. I couldn't walk thru. Everybody came up to me, it's okay, though, I don't mind.

moodyblus: How did you first get into acting, Scarlett?

SPEAKER_Scarlett_Pomers: An agent came up to my mom and told me I should be in acting and so here I am.

Mandi_B: When you're not on the set, do you go to public school?

SPEAKER_Scarlett_Pomers: I did, but now for 5th grade, which I'm going into, I'm going into something called a professionals school for actors, It's only for 4 hours in the morning because auditions are mostly in the afternoons.

BTKidd: Do you give autographs, if so where can I write and how much does it cost?

SPEAKER_Scarlett_Pomers: You can write to Paramount and you can get the address at It's free. If you write thru the studio.

Stevey37: Do your parents get the money you earn or do you keep it for yourself?

SPEAKER_Scarlett_Pomers: All child actors have blocked trust funds that they can't touch until they're 18.

Flutterby88: Have you worked on anything else besides Star Trek lately?

SPEAKER_Scarlett_Pomers: Yes. I just finished a show called Hang Time and a Disney movie called Geppetto starring Rene Auberjonois and Brent Spiner. I was also in Erin Brockovich with Julia Roberts.

DreamChild14: What do you think about the fan sites you have on the Internet?

SPEAKER_Scarlett_Pomers: Wonderful. I like them. It's really nice to know that fans enjoy what I'm doing and that I'm not annoying or anything.

MANOLIS_VARNAS: What kind of movies do you most like?

SPEAKER_Scarlett_Pomers: I like scary movies, like Poltergeist and I didn't want to watch Scream because I really like Drew Barrymore and she got killed. Oh, and I love horse movies. Like Black Beauty, My Friend Flicka and National Velvet.

p: How many horses do you have?

SPEAKER_Scarlett_Pomers: I don't have one anymore but I'm looking for a new one.

BTKidd: Do you get along with the rest of the cast really well?

SPEAKER_Scarlett_Pomers: Yes. Definitely. Everyone's really nice, including the crew. And the director's really great. Everyone's really nice there.

DreamChild14: If you could pick one actor or actress in Hollywood to work with, who would it be?

SPEAKER_Scarlett_Pomers: Definitely Ewen Mcgrewer, who was Obe One Kanobi in the Phantom Menace. And Cher. Definitely Cher. She's my idol, because she's been a singer and actress for so many years and is still doing it.

Mandi_B: What's the hardest thing that you've ever had to act out?

SPEAKER_Scarlett_Pomers: In Once Upon a Time when Neelix had to talk about his family dying in a war. I had to try not to keep from crying. If you look at my eyes, I bet they look watery.

Flutterby88: If you could choose any movie to be in what would it be?

SPEAKER_Scarlett_Pomers: Probably a remake of National Velvet. Or if I was older I'd probably want to be Tomb Raider.

MODERATOR: How long does it take you to learn your lines? Is it difficult for you or does the memorization come easy?

SPEAKER_Scarlett_Pomers: It's pretty easy. I just have my own little method. I cover up my lines and do the other person's and then see if I do it right. And then my mom and I will do it.

MANOLIS_VARNAS: Scarlett, what do you prefer TV roles or movie roles?

SPEAKER_Scarlett_Pomers: Well it depends...if it's a TV role...if it was a pilot that I got a regular role on, I probably would pick TV. But I haven't really done a pilot that I'm on every day, except, you know, Star Trek. So I guess I'd say movies.

BTKidd: When's your birthday?

SPEAKER_Scarlett_Pomers: November 28th and I'm ten but I'm going to be 11 this year.

DreamChild14: Are you close with Nancy Hower, who plays Naomi's mom?

SPEAKER_Scarlett_Pomers: Yeah, she's really nice. I wish I could do more episodes with her. I've only worked with her on one episode.

MANOLIS_VARNAS: What was it like making Mighty Joe Young?

SPEAKER_Scarlett_Pomers: I only got to work on it one day but the director picked me for the role. We went to a school and some of them were talking and pointing and saying, Oh my God they're filming something there. And that was fun.

BTKidd: Do you watch any of the other Trek shows?

SPEAKER_Scarlett_Pomers: Sometimes I watch Deep Space 9 and whenever I can catch Star Trek the Next Generation, I usually watch it. One of my favorite Star Trek movies is First Contact.

DreamChild14: Are you close with Ethan Phillips and Jeri Ryan off the set?

SPEAKER_Scarlett_Pomers: Yes. I went to Jeri's son's birthday and it was at Universal Studio's at Marvel Mania and we got to ride on Back to the Future with Spiderman. I adore Ethan Philips.

Stevey37: What do you do when you're bored at home?

MODERATOR: Thanks for coming! Tonight we have been chatting with Scarlett Pomers, Naomi Wildman on Star Trek Voyager. Be sure to check out Scarlett's website at ! Thanks for chatting with us Scarlett!

Mandi_B: Thanks, Scarlett! :-)

MANOLIS_VARNAS: Bye Scarlett. Wish you all the best in your career

DreamChild14: Thanks Scarlett for coming. Good luck!

SPEAKER_Scarlett_Pomers: Bye everybody, thank you for having me. And keep Trekking, everyone.
