America Online Chat: December 1998

What was it like being on the set of Star Trek: Voyager?
It was very exciting especially when I saw the inside of their soundstages for the first time. I sat in Captain Janeway's chair on the bridge and I read all the little labels on the different control displays. They write funny things on them and then make them look like real controls.

Hey Scarlett..This is Doc I moderate the Voyager episode boards..One quick question. What is the set like? How are the actors/actresses towards you?
These sets are the best I've ever seen! On one soundstage they put almost the entire inside of the ship. There is a really long curvy hallway that a lot of other things are connected to, like the Doctor's office and sickbay are there, Naomi's bedroom and the Wildman's quarters are there too. Engineering, the cargo bay, and some of the other most used rooms are there too. On the other sound stage next door, is the galley, the ready room, the bridge, Captain's quarters and a few others. They also have one other soundstage where they build special sets they might only need for one episode. When we did "Once Upon A Time," they build an entire forest with a pond for the Holodeck scenes. It was beautiful! I had so much fun in the episode.

Are you in any commericials? I saw someone who looked like you in an ad, but I can't remember what it was advertising. I think you were talking to your "little brother." Maybe a cereal commericial?
I have a Campbell's Soup commercial running right now (wasn't that funny how they showed it during the Voyager episode the other day?). I also have a McDonald's, a Polly Pocket, and a commericial for a bear called Bedtime Bubba. He talks kind of like Ross Perot my mom says.

Hi Scarlett! How long do the spikes take to put on? Do they itch?
My spikes take only a few minutes to put on. My favorite make-up man is Jim, does them, and he tells me jokes and lets me eat his jelly-bellies even before lunch (sorry mom). My spikes don't itch at all but boy does everybody tease me about them. They've been called spikes, horns, fingernails, scales, and white chocolate chips. Poor Naomi, I'm glad they're hers permanently and not mine!

Do you get along with Neelix in real life?
I love this question! He is the most fun in the whole world! I love him and I wish he was my real godfather or my uncle or something. He makes me laugh, and sometimes I have to force myself not to giggle in our scenes because he is so funny. He is such a good actor too, I wanted to cry in the scene in "One Upon A Time" when Neelix, was telling Naomi, about losing his family.

How does it feel to wear the make-up? What do you think of the makeup they are using for your character?
My make-up doesn't bother me at all. My family is glad I only wear little horns so they can see my face on the show, and I am glad I don't have to sit for three hours getting make-up put on like Johnny(Ethan Phillips).

Good job, on Voyager! Dop you always enjoy the work on Voyager or do the hours really drag on after a while and it gets tiring?
I always have fun on Voyager, I am always busy with something; rehearsal, or school, sometimes I wish I could be there longer so my mom and I could do some exploring at Paramount Studio. It's really a neat place but I can only be there nine and a half hours a day. That seems like a lot but there is always so much to do that it always goes by pretty fast. That's good too, because I wouldn't like it as much if I was just sitting around being bored!

Hi Scarlett, your a great actress. What is is like to work with another great actress, Jeri Ryan?
Jeri is so sweet, she plays with me and we have races in the halls. She smiles all the time and is very nice to me. She has a little boy too. She's not like Seven at all. I always tell everybody she is as pretty on the inside as she is on the outside! I like the way she can totally change character too, like she did in "Infinite Regress".

How to you feel, being so young, about the opportuntiy to appear on a series that has such a strong following?
It's really cool to be on a show that has so many fans who really know the characters so well. My brother taught me about the show before I ever auditioned for it (he's a big fan too), and I was really excited when I found out I go the part. I hope people will like Naomi, because she is so much fun to play.

Hi Scarlett. I think you do a great job on Voyager. How old are you, and how long have you been acting?
I just turned ten on November 28 and I have been acting about 4 1/2 years, before that I did a few little jobs until my mom found an agent that we liked.

What's the cast like?
They are great! They are the best and nicest people I've ever worked with, after I finished working on "Once Upon A Time" I was kind of sad, because I thought I would never see them again so, when my agent called and said I was going to do more episodes I was really happy!

What is your favorite part about working on Voyager?
My favorite part of course, is the people I get to work with and not just the cast. The crew is really nice and fun too. They work really long hours but they can still laugh and tell me funny jokes.

What is the hardest part about doing sci-fi?
Sometimes the dialogue seems like tongue-twisters so I have to repeat the technical stuff out loud a few times so my mouth gets used to saying it.

You must feel so lucky that you was picked to play the part of Naomi Wildman which I must say I really have gotten used to seeing on the show. Do you feel that your relationship with the cast is like that of your family? It is like my family, I am very lucky, because they are so nice to me at Voyager.

Scarlett, how are your studies coming along? Do cast members help with homework?
I just got my report card before Thanksgiving, I got all A's yippee! I want to go to college and my studio teacher Ruthann, helps me everyday. I do three hours of school when I am at the studio.

When you are around the other character on ST Voyager, do they make you feel at home?????
I guess it feels like home, only better because I don't have to clean my room!

Was that really you in that Rugrats Campbell's soup commercial aired during "Voyager" on 12/2?
Yes it was! They may not have written Naomi in that episode, but they can't get rid of me that easily! Hee! Hee!

How's the catered food Paramount provides? What keeps you coming back to act in Star Trek Episodes?
My mom wants to know if you work in the commissary or something? Giggle! The food's pretty good, my favorite lunch is the rotisserie chicken w/ broccoli, NOT THE SPINACH! I'm gonna keep coming back as long as they ask me IT'S FUN!

Hi Scarlett! I think you're fantastic on Voyager, and I'm so glad you're on the show! My question is what's the most fun thing about being on it?
Everybody I work with. My teacher, all the big guys on the crew (the security guys let me play basketball with them) and I get to work with the best actors I've ever seen. I finally got to do a scene with Kate Mulgrew! I want to be like her when I grow up. She is smart and pretty. I wanted to do my best in front of her and she made me feel good. :-)

What have your experiences been with the cast and crew, Do you have any funny stories?
I have fun with them all. On my brithday, my mom brought a cake to the studio that had a portrait of Naomi PAINTED on it, with the little horns and everything. Everybody sang Happy Birthday to me. It was a great surprise! The funniest thing I've seen at VOYAGER is when Johnny's (Ethan Phillips') make-up is put on just right, he can whistle and honk a tune through his nose and while he does it, he dances kind of a little jig at the same time. It's so funny because he doesn't just do for a second or two. Sometimes I would hear his little tune coming from the other end of the ship's corridor. It makes me laugh, and he knows it too! The director on "Once Upon A Time" couldn't get mad at all of us because he was laughing too hard too. Being on Voyager, is not like going to work. It's like going to play with my friends.
